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Yves Saint Laurent - Concept Store




Lisbon, Portugal



Project Lead

Marco da Costa Pereira

Featured On


All that Jazz - All That Style - YSL

The French brand Saint Laurent arrives in Lisbon with an innovative conceptstore that brings dance and music back to the city. Nothing like this has ever been seen before in the Portuguese capital.
The space, located in the downtown Pombaline area, connects Rua Áurea to Rua dos Sapateiros, where Livraria Rodrigues was previously located (Rua Aurea, 186, 188 Rua dos Sapateiros, 125, 127).
Jazz is the theme that gave the motto to the store that brings together 3 different spaces: All That Style - the clothing store that has an exclusive collection inspired by this musical genre, with very bold and elegant designs for all genres; All That Green - a natural space, with quick and light vegan meals, but delicious and made on the same day, with a bar open from the afternoon onwards for everyone who likes to have a drink at the end of work; and All That Jazz, a multifunctional cultural space that will have temporary exhibitions, screenings, concert nights and live music and dance, of course! After all, this is the main concept that the brand decided to present in Lisbon in this innovative space that aims to bring the new crazy 20's to the Portuguese capital.

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